So, about that launch…
I’m sorry, we’re not launching today. This was supposed to be the triumphant “we’re live!” post but it’s not. We’re so very close, but there are still just enough rough edges to push us into “we’re not ready” territory and I’m not going to launch a product that isn’t...
Let’s talk about email
People love to hate email. Every new Slack-alike communication tool that crops up claims to be an “email killer” or that email is already dead. Well, our team’s combined decades of experience working with email hosting have taught us the opposite — email is anything but dead....
It’s time to switch to an independently-owned hosting company.
Hi 👋 I’m Klynton — I’ve been a WebFaction customer for the last 10 years and I worked there for 4 years. Since the company was acquired by GoDaddy a couple years ago, I’ve seen my friends who stayed get more and more overworked. I have seen feature development...